Invest in Conconcreto

Corporate Governance

Shareholders assembly

The General Shareholders’ Meeting represents the highest corporate body of the company and is made up of each of the shareholders and/or their representatives who are registered in the share registry book. Each shareholder will have as many votes as the number of shares he/she owns, without any restriction whatsoever.

Each year the General Assembly will meet in ordinary session to examine the situation of the company, appoint the administrators and other officers of its choice, determine the economic guidelines of the company, consider the accounts and balance sheet of the last fiscal year, resolve on the distribution of profits and agree on all measures to ensure the fulfillment of the corporate purpose.

The Assembly may be called to extraordinary meetings at any time, whenever deemed convenient by the Board of Directors or the President or the Statutory Auditor, or whenever a number of shareholders representing at least one fourth of the subscribed shares so desires.

Ordinary Meeting of the General Shareholders

Ordinary meeting 2023

The Ordinary Meeting of the Conconcreto S. A. Shareholders was held on March 31, 2023, at 9:00 AM under the mechanisms of a mixed (personal attendance and virtual) meeting.  The principal issues presented and/or approved during the meeting were the following:

Agreement Proposal
Sustainability Management Report from the Board of Directors and the Presidency
See the 2023 Sustainability Management Report
Corporate Governance Report
See the 2023 Corporate Governance Report
Restated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2023, and Their Annexes
See Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements
Profit-Distribution Project, Project to Wipe Out Losses from the Previous Year and Change of Destination of Reserves
See Profit-Distribution Project
Appointment of the Board of Directors for the Period from April 2023 to March 2025
See Ratification of the Board of Directors
Appointment of the Fiscal Auditor for the Period from April 2023 to March 2025
See Appointment of the Fiscal Auditor
Setting the Remuneration of the Fiscal Auditor and the Board of Directors
See Setting the Remuneration of the Fiscal Auditor

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors will be made up of ten (10) directors, who will be elected for periods of two (2) years with application of the electoral quotient. The people elected may be replaced in partial elections, in which case, their term will be the one that has been missing to complete the two years of the previous member. There are no substitutes on the Board of Directors.

The members of the Board of Directors will be elected based on criteria of professional competence, suitability and recognized moral solvency, and in any case, at least thirty percent (30%) of them will be Independent Members.

The Board of Directors is understood to be delegated the broadest mandate to manage the Company and, therefore, it will have sufficient powers to order the execution or celebration of any act or contract included within the corporate purpose and whose competence was not attributed by the statutes or by law to the General Assembly of Shareholders.

The remuneration of the members will be set by the General Assembly of Shareholders, in attention to objective criteria of a business nature. Said remuneration will be transparent, and for this purpose its amount will be disclosed in the annual information provided to the shareholders of the Company.

Members Board of Directors


Christophe Pélissié Du Rausas

(Patrimonial) (French)

Patrick Sulliot

(Patrimonial) (French)

Luis Fernando Restrepo Echavarría

(Independent) (Colombian)

Nora Cecilia Aristizábal López


Carlos Eduardo Restrepo Mora


José Alejandro Gómez Mesa

(Patrimonial) (Colombian)

Carolina Angarita Barrientos

(Independent) (Colombian)

Orlando Cabrales Segovia

(Independent) (Colombian)

Committees of the Board of Directors

The Society has three (3) permanent committees that deal with particular issues:

Audit Committee

The main task is to assist the Board of Directors in its role of supervision of the Internal Control System, through the evaluation of accounting procedures, the relationship with the Statutory Auditor and, in general, the review of the control environment of the Company, including the audit of the risk management system implemented by the company.

Committee members

Luis Fernando Restrepo Echavarría
Orlando Cabrales Segovia

Corporate Governance Committee

The main task is to assist the Board of Directors in its functions of proposing and supervising the Corporate Governance measures adopted by the company, as well as monitoring compliance with the Corporate Governance rules, periodically reviewing their compliance, recommendations and principles.

Committee members

Nora Cecilia Aristizábal López
Carlos Eduardo Restrepo Mora
José Alejandro Gómez Mesa

Human Talent Committee

The main objective is to support the Board of Directors in the exercise of its decision-making or advisory functions associated with matters of appointments and remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and Senior Management.

Committee members

Luis Fernando Restrepo Echavarría
Carolina Angarita Barrientos

Management Team


Nicolas Jaramillo


Candelaria Rodriguez

Vice President of Corporate Affairs

Alejandro Villegas

Vicepresident of finance

Documents of interest

At Conconcreto Construction we are committed to contributing to the construction of a better country through honest and transparent actions that identify all members of the organization. For this we have gathered some precepts whose purpose is to establish a guide and framework for action.

Below you will find downloadable versions of the main documents that govern our actions as an organization.

Ethics Line

Ethics Line: 018000-522790

What should we report?

– All wrongdoing included in the code of ethics.

– Conduct or misbehavior related to shareholders.

– Disclosures of privileged and confidential information by employees.

– Activities suspected of money laundering, drug trafficking or any illegal act.

– Incorrect conduct or actions of the administration in matters related to the performance of employees.

– Omissions or absence of controls in the processes or procedures.

It is an anonymous service to communicate any irregular fact that affects the interests of the organization, of any of its members or of the community in general.