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Innovation and digital transformation
We promote the transformation of the construction sector based on knowledge and leveraged on technologies and digital tools.
Home › Innovation and digital transformation
We promote the transformation of the construction sector based on knowledge and leveraged on technologies and digital tools.
certified by the Ministry of Science
driving internal and open innovation
printed in 3D with concrete
We seek to take advantage of the open innovation ecosystem by promoting business sustainability, strengthening alliances, leveraging solutions developed by start-ups, SMEs and other companies or developing solutions for joint challenges.
The fourth laboratory of the network of physical spaces in the country of INNpulsa – CEmprende and the second in the city of Medellín.
This space is located in the Buró 4.0 Building in Medellín – Antioquia, where entrepreneurs connect with CEmprende’s strategic allies at the national level, carry out connection events and activities, co-creation and are linked to open innovation challenges and initiatives for the construction, infrastructure and real estate sector.
A space located in the School of Engineering of Antioquia, for connection with the innovation ecosystem and creation of new solutions that positively impact our business and society. In this place, we approach new talents who may later be great leaders of transformation and change for the construction sector.
This alliance aims to support research for the digitization of construction, robotics, information modeling, 3D printing, and sustainability in Florida, for which several projects are underway.
Incorporación de tecnología con drones en las inspecciones
Drones to measure construction progress and carry out remote inspections, incorporating augmented reality and BIM models to the images in real time.
Sustainability study
The lab will conduct an analysis of where Florida stands in terms of sustainability efforts in the construction sector, with the goal of proposing a collaborative pilot that creates value for the environment.
BIM methodology
Improving the BIM skills of future professionals in the sector is a priority for Conconcreto, so a programming, budget and design case study will be carried out with one of the housing projects.
Internal innovation program that recognizes the ingenuity and creativity of our collaborators to optimize time, reduce costs and innovate.
Recognition from Colciencias by choosing us as one of the 89 highly innovative companies in Colombia (2016)
Great Culture to Innovate certificó a Conconcreto como una compañía con una cultura innovadora ejemplar en el país, en el primer encuentro organizacional de cultura de innovación titulado: Innovation Catalyst (2019)
Camacol Antioquia Innovation Award (2nd place) for the advances in large-format 3D printing specifically made by the company with the construction of a habitable housing module located at the EIA University and the development of urban furniture pieces. (2019)
Premios Proptech: Conconcreto fue reconocida como la mejor empresa constructora con aplicación en tecnología en la celebración de los premios Proptech Latam, por ser una compañía que le apuesta a la innovación en el sector, pionera en prefabricación y que apalanca tecnologías como la impresión 3D en concreto y la modelación BIM. (2021)
ANDI business innovation ranking: an annual edition that aims to recognize the effort, behavior and achievements in the innovation dynamics of companies in the country. For the second consecutive year, Conconcreto is in the Top 20 nationwide and continues to be the 1st company in the construction sector. (2021 – 2022)
Recognition from the Ministry of Sciences to the “Innovación Conconcreto” research group: Thanks to our research projects, we achieved this recognition and some of our results include research theses, scientific articles and patents.
Construction systems for column-column connections and beam-column connections.
Device for connecting two or more building elements, allowing the directions of the elements to be adjusted.
Computer-implemented method that quantifies, optimizes and distributes pieces of construction material that can be, among others, materials for false ceilings, surface coating material such as tiles, among others.
Reusable metal structure for quick assembly and disassembly on site.
Canastas automáticas para movimiento de material de un sitio a otro, sobre todo los lugares de difícil acceso
Device for the construction of concrete structural elements subjected to compression efforts prior to their commissioning (prestressed elements).
Construction systems for column-column connections and beam-column connections.
Device for connecting two or more building elements, allowing the directions of the elements to be adjusted.
Computer-implemented method that quantifies, optimizes and distributes pieces of construction material that can be, among others, materials for false ceilings, surface coating material such as tiles, among others.
Reusable metal structure for quick assembly and disassembly on site.
Canastas automáticas para movimiento de material de un sitio a otro, sobre todo los lugares de difícil acceso
Device for the construction of concrete structural elements subjected to compression efforts prior to their commissioning (prestressed elements).
Construction systems for column-column connections and beam-column connections.
Device for connecting two or more building elements, allowing the directions of the elements to be adjusted.
Computer-implemented method that quantifies, optimizes and distributes pieces of construction material that can be, among others, materials for false ceilings, surface coating material such as tiles, among others.